The Essentials You Need As A New Mum

As any first-time mother will know, so many things change when you have a baby. You have to adjust to a completely new sleeping schedule (or lack of one), your clothes don’t fit you anymore, and all aspects of ‘normality’ seem to have gone out of the window. One other specific thing you will notice is the sheer amount of STUFF your new baby needs. It can be quite mindblowing: the amount of things someone who as of yet doesn’t even talk, needs. You can forget leaving the house with your Vivienne Westwood handbag, your makeup bag and a pre-prepared lunch for the day. Once you’re a mum, you have a whole new daily ‘survival kit’ to have on your person at all times. Here’s the rundown on what it is you need to take with you every time you leave the house with your newborn.
A good sized bag
If you’re a lover of handbags, this probably isn’t going to go down all that well. But unfortunately, a dainty, stylish bag just isn’t going to cut it anymore. You will need to swap style for practicality, as you will need something that you can fit ALL your things into. Look out for a bag that’s large but that’s also easy to carry, and ideally waterproof too. Backpacks and shoulder bags are useful, as these leave your hands free to keep hold of your child/children. It can also be helpful to have a bag that is split into several different compartments, as that way you won’t be rummaging around trying to find something when you are in a rush.
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Teething toys
With a young baby in tow, something is bound to go wrong at some point. The absolute last thing you need when you’re in a public place is for your child to be screaming the house down – it can be embarrassing and stressful for both you and the people around you. If your baby is of teething age, make sure you bring some teething toys along with you to keep them quiet and relaxed in times of discomfort.
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Bottled milk
When you are on the go, you may not always have a chance to breastfeed your baby. Or, maybe you are someone who has chosen not to go down that route when it comes to your newborn (everyone is different, after all). Having a formula milk mix such as aptamil ha1 sitting in your bag can be a lifesaver for when you have a hungry baby. These types of formula milk are also a good option for mothers who want to move on from breastfeeding their baby.
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A travel chair
Said you’d meet a friend for lunch but need to have baby in tow? Most new mothers welcome any opportunity to get out the house, but taking your baby along can be faced with some issues. For example, many cafes and restaurants don’t provide basic baby facilities such as high chairs. So you’re not caught short, bring along a compact travel chair so your baby can sit with you wherever you like.
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