Introducing Your New Baby To Your New Home

Bringing a new baby home from the hospital is just the start of the biggest adventure of your life. You’ve done the pregnancy bit, you’ve done the hospital bit and now you get to bring that precious bundle home and introduce them to the place they’re going to live for hopefully a very long time. No doubt you would have been preparing their room and the home itself for their arrival for a long time, but how can you make the house friendlier for you as a mother, as well as the new baby?
The nursery is usually the place to start, but not the place the baby will sleep from the beginning. Babies tend to sleep in the parent’s bedroom for the first six to twelve months of their life so their nursery is really just a set stage filled with all things ‘baby’! Cot, furniture and change table kitted out with everything required are always present, but there are some other small bits that can be included and taken out to make the nursery the optimum little haven for a new baby. Safety features won’t be truly necessary until baby is at crawling age but that’s not to say you can’t get a jump start on things. If you’ve staged the nursery with cot bumpers and teddies in the cot make sure to take all of that out before you have the baby sleeping in it. Invest in a great video monitor if you can so you can keep an eye on things wherever you are in the house too.
Setting up the nursery, from painting the walls to filling the drawers will tiny outfits, takes some time and most mums-to-be spend a lot of their pregnancy planning and decorating. Putting locks on the windows and safety latches on the doors are normally the first place to put safety features. Bay window radiators can be covered over properly so that tiny hands don’t get caught on them and this goes for radiators for most of the house.
If your budget allows it, I highly recommend investing in a gliding chair for nursing. Your comfort is just as important as your new sweet baby and you should ensure that you capitalise on that. Extra pillows, padded cushions for the kitchen chairs, anything you need to make yourself comfortable in your home is imperative to your motherly survival. The lack of sleep will be hard enough on you: sweet though your baby is, they do wake up a lot! Bringing your baby home is exciting and making sure the atmosphere of each room is that of adequate warmth and comfort will be key, especially in these new and early weeks. You have to also ensure that as a mother, you have everything you need to hand, even if this means installing a mini fridge in the nursery so when you are late into the night rocking, there are drinks and snacks to hand!