The Role of Motivation in Exam Success and How SAT Tutoring Can Help

Many students are aware that, in order to obtain high scores, they need to have a thorough knowledge of course materials and learn test-taking techniques which improve their results. They also know that they need goals to work towards and a study plan. While all of these are critical factors that contribute to success and achieving objectives, many students forget the importance of motivation.
Revision time before a test like the SAT, can be incredibly overwhelming. The nature of the studying process, the looming test date, and having to absorb a prodigious amount of information in a limited time is a formidable task. Research studies have indicated that test anxiety not only impacts mental wellbeing adversely but that performance results are lowered too.
SAT tutoring in London has often been found to help with all of these challenges, with the added benefit of keeping students motivated. High motivation is vital to ensure a student remains committed to their revision timetable.
Top tips to keep SAT revision on track
Motivation is easy to maintain when a student is familiar with the test content, revising for familiar topics can even be enjoyable. Maintaining motivation is key to climbing what seems to be the proverbial insurmountable hill. The Royal Oxford Academy advises students not to give up and that great things can be achieved with small steps. Here’s how to go about it.

1. Engage in an active learning process
Active learning is invaluable to keep a student’s concentration and aids in memory retention. This effective learning process requires students to ask themselves questions as they read through course material. Questions should be based on a section of the text and the student will then go about answering the questions.
2. Work through practice tests
What do practice tests have to do with motivation? Every time a student takes a practice test, and sees improvements in performance, it builds up their confidence levels. They feel as if they have achieved something and that their efforts are not in vain. Practice tests also help students become more familiar with the types of questions asked on the standardised tests. They will gain experience in how to read a question and practice their answering skills.
3. Find what works best for you
Each student has their own way of learning. What is important is that revision time is used effectively to maximum effect. Choose a time early in the morning, if this provides most productivity, or burn the midnight oil if this produces better results.
4. Set a reasonable study pace
There is no getting away from planning. Planning a reasonable study pace – one that will allow a student to cover all course material in the available time – ensures that a student is well-prepared come the test date. A useful idea is to implement a rewards programme where, after each section is revised for that day, a student indulges in a reward.
For the best tutoring help in preparing for the SAT, contact experienced tutors who know how to keep students motivated and on-track with their revision.
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