Ding dong!

Now that I am a full time Mum, I was looking for something to earn a little extra cash. And that’s when Avon came calling! I’ve used their products before, and have been impressed, so I met up with a local rep to find out more. And now i’m hooked! I was so surprised about all of the different products Avon do… I thought it was just make up!
I’ll be reviewing products, and posting details of great offers. You can, of course, visit the Avon online shop and order from them directly. If you’d like to order from me, do please get in touch or check out the online brochure and have a look at what we have to offer! There are special offers that are available just to people ordering through the brochure.
I’ll be posting lots of products on the the Blogging Mrs B Facebook page.
This is a very exciting time! I’m really looking forward to trying out the products and making some recommendations. 🙂