Root Out Your Gardening Problems

Root Out Your Gardening Problems

Gardening is a popular hobby with most homeowners as it gives them a chance to get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air. It’s also something that you can get the kids to join in with, and they will love getting messy in the soil and making daisy chains! Unfortunately, gardening can be pretty tricky for beginners and those who aren’t particularly green fingered. There is a lot to learn and get right before you can enjoy a blooming garden. But don’t worry, if you do have any problems with your gardening, you can root them out and solve them with these great tips!


A Dead Pond


Ponds should be filled with lots of pond life, including plants, frogs, and newts. Is yours simply a mass of water without any signs of life? There could be a few reasons for this! One of the main ones is that it is contaminated with toxins or algae. You can get rid of the algae or other blanket weeds by adding Cloverleaf blanket answer or a pond filter. This should make the water healthier for animals and plants to live in. If your pond is completely shaded, you should trim back any nearby bushes or trees so that some sunshine gets to it. That way, there will be plenty of light to encourage more plants to grow in it.



Plants Aren’t Growing Well


Thought your plants would thrive more than they do right now? They might be finding it hard to survive because they haven’t been planted in the optimum soil. Before you buy any seeds or bulbs, you need to test the soil in the different areas of your garden to find out the pH levels. Each type of plant prefers a different pH, so you need to make sure you match the plant to the right soil.


Too Much Fertiliser


Gardeners know just how important it is to fertilise the soil so that plants have all the necessary nutrients in which to grow. However, there is always the danger of adding too much fertiliser to the ground. You can tell if you have because your plants will look very wilted and the soil could develop a salt-like crust. You can try and save over-fertilised plants by adding a lot of water to the soil but, more often than not, you might have to dig them up and replace with new ones.



No Pest Protection


Does it look like something has been nibbling on your plants’ leaves? It was probably pests like slugs and snails! If you don’t try and protect your plants against these creepy crawlies in some ways, they will end up devouring your whole garden! The best way to beat pests is to erect a physical barrier between them and your plants. You can also try making some home-made pest traps.
I hope that this blog post has helped you solve some of your gardening problems. Your garden should now really bowl over any guests you have round!