A smile worth sharing

A smile worth sharing

By having a smile that makes you confident, a feature that many people first see in others, then there is a possibility that more doors can open for a person than would be otherwise.  Unfortunately, there is a significant amount of unconscious judgement that occurs 

What is Invisalign?

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a method for straightening teeth gradually over time. It uses clear plastic aligners to progressively move teeth, directed by an orthodontist, to relieve minor misalignments and other cosmetic issues.  The clear aligners are not novel and have been actively used in dentistry for 

Why should I choose dental implants?

Why should I choose dental implants?

If you are looking for more of a long-term solution to improving your smile, then dental implants could be the path for you. These are used when you have missing or severely damaged teeth and replaces the tooth completely when attached. It consists of a 

Invisible braces in Clapham and you, Houdini!

Invisible braces in Clapham and you, Houdini!

There are many reasons why people may be reluctant to realign their smile when they are worried and anxious about their misaligned teeth. For some, it can be the prospect of having to have the inconvenience of adapting to wearing braces, for others it can 

Shapellx Shapewear is Epitome of Female Empowerment

Shapellx Shapewear is Epitome of Female Empowerment

Women often don’t feel confident in their own skin and suffer from body insecurities. However, the pieces of Shapellx Shapewear makes your body look well-shaped and enhances your confidence in regular as well as party attire. No matter whether your body belongs to the plus-size 

What can you do if you experience fear of dental procedures?

What can you do if you experience fear of dental procedures?

What exactly is dental anxiety? Dental anxiety, also known as odontophobia, is quite a common condition. It affects people of any age to a varying extent. Patients who experience dental anxiety experience symptoms ranging from mild psychological tension and anxiety to severe panic attacks. In 

Finding the right braces in Windsor for you

Finding the right braces in Windsor for you

Within modern dentistry, many patients that require orthodontic work may be looking for a more subtle alternative to traditional metal braces. These alternative forms can be just as effective as traditional braces in producing effective results for serious overbites and other issues that may affect 

Brighten up for a special occasion, through teeth whitening in Bedford

Brighten up for a special occasion, through teeth whitening in Bedford

Let your true beauty shine The correlation between a white, bright set of teeth, and wealth, prosperity and happiness is nothing new.  For centuries, people have been attempting to brighten their smiles to leave a longer lasting impression, and increase their chances of success, with