How are some common dental conditions treated?

Tooth decay
Tooth decay is an extremely common dental condition, which can affect patients of any age. The main causes of tooth decay are oral microbial overgrowth and poor oral hygiene habits. Certain bacterial species found in the microbiota of the oral cavity feed on the sugar remnants left on the teeth after a meal to convert it to energy and essential metabolites for them. During this process they release organic acids, which are the waste products of their metabolism. This can damage the mineral content of the teeth and contribute to their degradation. If there are large amounts of sugar present in the oral cavity, these bacteria multiply and thus secrete more organic acids, which leads to the degradation of the teeth’s mineral content at a faster rate. To protect yourself from getting tooth decay, make sure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and use an antibacterial mouthwash regularly. If you already have tooth decay, get treatment for it as soon as possible to prevent further decay. A dentist Stevenage can provide you with composite white fillings if you experience tooth decay.

Tooth discolouration
Tooth discolouration is a very common condition, however it is not usually a cause for concern apart from the aesthetic issues associated with it. As the teeth are exposed to an extremely broad array of physicochemical factors, some of these can contribute to their discolouration. Dentistry groups tooth stains into two categories: extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains are all stains that originate from outside the body. This includes for example the consumption of coffee, tea, red wine or any other food or beverage that can stain the teeth. The tannins found in large amounts in the aforementioned drinks have been shown to be able to stain the teeth. Other extrinsic factors include smoking, and even certain antimicrobials, such as those found in mouthwashes or antibiotic drugs. Intrinsic factors include ageing. Ageing can make the external layer of the teeth called the enamel thinner over time. This results in the increased exposure of the underlying dentine, which has a naturally yellowish tone. There are many teeth whitening treatments available on the market, some only involve a single appointment at the clinic, while with others most of the bleaching is done at home. If you would like a dentist to help you whiten your teeth, there are a range of options available.
Veneers are small layers of a material, normally porcelain, placed on the surface of a tooth or multiple teeth with the aim of improving both the appearance and functionality of these teeth. There are many different applications of veneers, however they are most commonly used for teeth that have been eroded. In comparison to crowns, veneers require less preparatory work and they leave a significantly larger portion of the original tooth intact. There are many different materials used to make veneers, however the most popular veneers today are made out of porcelain, a porcelain-metal fusion or a synthetic resin material. With modern bonding, veneers can last for over 10 years if cared for appropriately.
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