What happens if you lose part of your Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign is one of the leading brands of clear aligners available in the UK. It straightens or re-aligns teeth in a subtle way and for minor orthodontic issues, it is fast becoming the standard treatment.
It is very tempting to think you can just skip over the aligner that is lost or damaged, especially if you were a week or so into using it. But the gradual movement of your teeth is fundamental to correct alignment and moving them too quickly not only increases the risk for future regression (and the need for a post-orthodontic retainer). It could result in the later aligners applying a presser inappropriately putting the whole treatment out of sync with the actual position of your teeth.
If you have lost or damaged an aligner, please get in contact with your orthodontic supplier orclear braces direct in London. It is not uncommon and aligners can be replaced quickly if needed, this reduces the impact on your treatment which is a much better option than trying to use an incorrect aligner which will do more harm than good.
Advantages of Invisalign
The advantages of Invisalign over metal braces are considerable, not only are clear aligners translucent making it hard to spot if someone is wearing them, but they are thinner and lighter making them more comfortable to wear. They are less likely to irritate the inside of the user’s mouth, a common source of mouth ulcers. The tough yet flexible aligners are much safer to wear during contact sports and are generally recommended for those with active lifestyles.
How does Invisalign treatment work?

The treatment schedule varies patient to patient and usually, 6 or more months are required. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks, using the aligners in the appropriate sequence is crucial to the effectiveness of the treatment. If aligners become damaged or lost, the patients cannot continue using the old one or skip forward to the next. The patients must order a replacement and it has to be replaced quickly before any regression in tooth position occurs.
The relatively short duty cycle of a clear aligner, 2 weeks, makes hygiene much simpler than that of a traditional brace. You can remove an aligner when brushing and can rinse it under a tap before patting it dry; this will keep it clear and functional for its life span.
Patients remove the aligners when eating to minimize the chances of them being damaged. But if they are replaced without brushing, food particles can become trapped under the aligner. The obstruction in the natural flow of saliva over the patient’s teeth is disrupted by the use of clear aligners, which significantly raises the risks of cavities forming if post-meal brushing is not observed. The use of a travel kit to allow brushing in cafeteria restrooms and restaurant bathrooms is recommended for patients.
The way aligners function by pushing on the teeth makes the shape very important, so misshapen aligners will need to be replaced. You should keep aligners away from heat sources like hairdryers and be conscious not to put them through a hot laundry wash or tumble dryer.
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