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Decided oral implants are for you?

Decided oral implants are for you?

While it can be a somewhat intimidating prospect to undertake any kind of cosmetic surgery, oral implants, by far, offer those who have had them fitted more benefits than any facelift! They are a modern alternative to traditional dentures and bridges and also offer patients 

Getting behind Incognito in Weybridge

Getting behind Incognito in Weybridge

Unseen wonder Many of us long for a straighter looking smile. However, numerous would-be patients are often dissuaded from seeking the necessary treatment out of fear that they will have to sacrifice their outward appearance for up to twelve months, for the sake of a 

Swap your dentures for implants: a long-lasting replacement solution for people with missing teeth

Swap your dentures for implants: a long-lasting replacement solution for people with missing teeth

Dental implants might be a relatively new concept in modern dentistry, but evidence of implants in rudimentary forms can be traced back to ancient times. Of course, methods of restoring teeth this way in modern times are far less painful than having a piece of 

The Role of Motivation in Exam Success and How SAT Tutoring Can Help

The Role of Motivation in Exam Success and How SAT Tutoring Can Help

Many students are aware that, in order to obtain high scores, they need to have a thorough knowledge of course materials and learn test-taking techniques which improve their results. They also know that they need goals to work towards and a study plan. While all 

A uniquely perfect smile

A uniquely perfect smile

Not everyone is happy with their smile. When a person feels self-conscious about how their smile looks, they are bound to share it less, which can result in potentially negative assumptions being made about that person’s general demeanour and attitude towards life. Yes, people judge 

Do you have crooked teeth? Embarrassing, but treatable with invisible braces

Do you have crooked teeth? Embarrassing, but treatable with invisible braces

Crooked, protruding or misaligned teeth are more than a minor nuisance; they can seriously impact on your confidence, especially if you are either a social butterfly or you have a high-powered career that requires a lot of smiling. Many people assume that when an adult 

Dental Implants for A Complete Smile Again

Dental Implants for A Complete Smile Again

It’s never nice to lose a tooth. It can greatly impact an individual’s self-esteem as well as their eating and speech ability. Losing a tooth can occur for a great number of reasons and sometimes it is out of a patient’s control. It is important 

Are your child’s adult teeth coming through crooked?

Are your child’s adult teeth coming through crooked?

Even if your child’s baby teeth are completely straight, there is no guarantee that their adult teeth will also be straight when they eventually come through. As your child grows there are several different dental issues that can occur regarding the angles of their teeth